Unraveling the Mystery: The Key Culprits Behind Hair Loss

From luxuriously thick locks to a receding hairline — hair loss is a reality many people, both men and women, grapple with. In the quest for solutions, understanding the causes behind this unwelcome transformation is critical. Join us to unravel the mystery and explore the chief culprits of hair loss.

Hair Loss from full and strong to fine and weak
Hair from full and strong to fine and weak

1. Lifestyle Factors

One of the key players in the hair loss mystery is our lifestyle choices. Stress, diet, and even the hair styling methods we use can drastically influence the health and quantity of our hair.


While stress is an inseparable part of modern life, it plays a significant role in hair loss issues. When our body goes through stress, it disrupts normal hair cycle causing hair to enter the shedding phase earlier. This type of hair loss is known as telogen effluvium.

  • Going through a traumatic event like an accident, major surgery, childbirth or severe illness
  • Job-related stress or personal life stress which is long-lasting and severe


A diet that lacks certain nutrients can also contribute to hair loss. Our hair needs proteins, vitamins, and minerals to grow and flourish.

  • A diet low in protein, iron, or vitamin D can trigger hair loss
  • Sudden weight loss or switching to a rigorous diet can also upset the normal functioning of hair growth
common non-healthy foods you should avoid
Common non-healthy foods
healthy foods
Healthy foods

Hair Styling methods

Our hair might be strong, but it’s not invincible. Certain hairstyles and treatments can result in hair loss, termed traction alopecia.

  • High tension hairstyles, like tight ponytails, dreadlocks or braids that pull at the roots of the hair
  • Overuse of heat styling tools, chemical treatments, or harsh hair care products

2. Genetic Factors

Often hair loss is an unwelcome inheritance, thanks to our genes. Hereditary-pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia is the most frequent cause of hair loss.

  • The condition may begin in the late teens, and by the age of 40, some degree of hair loss is evident in many people
  • More common in males, but females can also experience this, usually recognized by hair thinning
hereditary-pattern baldness
Hereditary-Pattern Baldness

3. Medical Conditions

Various medical conditions can trigger hair loss too, further complicating our understanding of the phenomenon.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal imbalances can cause temporary or permanent hair loss. Conditions like pregnancy, menopause, thyroid disorders, or PCOS can result in hair loss.

  • Pregnancy-related hair loss is more common after the delivery of the baby rather than during pregnancy itself
  • Thyroid disorders can cause both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism leading to hair loss

Autoimmune Disorders

Certain autoimmune disorders can lead to severe hair loss. One prominent example is Alopecia areata.

  • This condition might result in unpredictable hair loss in the scalp, face, and other areas of your body


This exploration of hair loss causes reveals a web of intricate factors, each contributing to the decline of our tresses. However, understanding the reasons behind hair loss is the first step towards mitigating its effects. If hair loss is troubling you, reach out to a medical professional to diagnose the root cause, craft a personalized treatment approach, and reclaim the confidence carried in every strand of hair!

“Understanding the reasons behind hair loss is the first step towards mitigating its effects.”

In your battle against hair loss, knowledge is your strongest ally. So, stay informed, stay proactive and regain control over your hair health!

[1] : American Academy of Dermatology’s explanation of traction alopecia
[2] : Information about Androgenetic alopecia from Mayo Clinic
[3] : National Institute of Health’s fact sheet on Alopecia areata

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